
This is the glossary that I included in my book, Find Your Twin Flame.

  • Air The element that represents quickness, how animated you are, and the ability to apply energy in very diverse ways.
    Akasha A Sanskrit word that means, "primary substance," out of which all things are formed. This is the root of the Akashic Records.
    Akashic Records The collective vibrational record of each individual soul and its journey.
    Ancestry The study of the direct lineage of ancestors using one's ethnicity.
    Applying Aspect In the astrological chart, this is when the degrees of two planets come closer to become more exact.
    Aquarius Sign of independence, improving society and revolutionary ideals.
    Aries Sign of action and new beginnings.
    Ascendant Also called the Rising Sign, this is the first angle in the birth chart; which makes it one of four important angels in the birth chart. It is the cusp, or beginning, of the first house. It is also the indicator of how you say hello to the rest of the world.
    Aspect In the astrological chart, this is when two planets work in harmony or discord with one another through conjunction, opposition, square, trine, etc.
    Astrology The study of the movements and positions of the sun, the moon, planets and stars through charts and how they influence human behavior.
    Aura The ever-changing flow of energy immediately around the physical body

  • Cancer Sign of assertiveness and independence.
    Capricorn Sign of practicality, focus, sensibility, and hard work.
    Cardinal Quality that initiates change as part of the synastry of the astrological chart.
    Chakras The energetic system of the body that helps raise our spiritual energy vibration to reach the realms outside of the physical. Each chakra also assists the physical body with adapting to, releasing, and clearing out energy that affects the physical body.
    Chaser The Twin who keeps the peace in the Twin Flame Relationship. This role can change between the Twins at any given time.
    Clairalience Clear Smelling. This is the ability to smell things outside of the normal range of smell. It usually involves smells from spirit, such as their favorite flower or cologne. These smells do not originate from incarnate sources.
    Clairaudience Clear Hearing. This is the ability to receive intuitive messages that doesn't necessarily use the physical ears. This is often through an inner voice or spirit.
    Claircognizance Clear Knowing. This is the ability to know things that one would never, ever otherwise discern. It can be described as a "gut feeling" or "just knowing." Most file this clair as a part of clairsentience.
    Clairgustance Clear Tasting. This is the ability to taste things without physically putting anything in your mouth. This usually comes from spirit to prove the continuity of life.
    Clairsentience Clear Feeling. This is the ability to receive intuitive messages via feelings, emotions, or physical sensations.
    Clairvoyance Clear Seeing. This is the ability to receive intuitive messages via a second sight. The physical eyes can perceive spirit or even a message from spirit, but most of the time messages come through as though you're watching a movie in your mind.
    Conjunction In astrology, this means unification and blending.
    Cusp The beginning of an angle in the astrological chart.

  • Descendant One of four important angles in the birth chart, this is the angle opposite your Ascendant. It is the 7th house cusp. This indicates your awareness of others and various aspects of rela-tionships.
    Discarnate This is when a soul has not chosen to be born into a life and remains on the Other Side. This is usually so they can assist their incarnate Twin

    Divine Feminine The part of the spiritual DNA that is inherently feminine. This exists within each twin flame soul.
    Divine Masculine The part of the spiritual DNA that is inherently masculine. This exists within each twin flame soul.
    Dream Visitation This is the experience of spirit visiting you in your dreams. This is the easiest form of spirit communication.

  • Earth The element that represents stoic reactions, and the ability to apply energy with endurance.
    Elements There are four basic elements that, when applied to the astrological chart, represent basic traits.
    Etheric The is higher regions of space, the sky, the heavens. This is non-tangible space.
    Etheric Body The lowest layer of the human energy field that is in contact with the physical body to sustain and connect the physical body with higher bodies. The first layer of the aura.
    Ethnicity This is an ethnic group that shares common culture, nationality, religion, or language.

  • Fibonacci Sequence This is a mathematical sequence associated with divine pattern and Twin Flames It's the Golden Ratio that is reflected in architecture, in octaves in music, in roses, in pinecones and in spiral seashells. Written as a rule, the expression is xn=xn-1=xn-2
    Fire The element that represents spontaneity, impulsiveness, and dedication.
    Fixed Quality that preserves change as part of the synastry of the astrological chart.

  • Genealogy This is the study of the line of continuous descent between ancestors.
    Ghost A discarnate soul who has transitioned from life on Earth but has not fully transcended to the Other Side. This is usually due to either a refusal to go or not having a sense that their lives have ended.
    God Your understanding of the omnipresent creator of all things.
    Grounded Your physical body, natural energy field, and aura are all rooted into the Earth. This is to prevent the body from always vibrating on a higher vibration than it's normally sup-posed to.
    Guided Meditation A meditation, usually led by another party, that assists you with reaching a meditative state.

  • Higher Self The part of us that exists in the etheric, and that feeds information and experiences to the soul. The Higher Self is connected to both the physical body and the universe, via the soul.
    House 1 The House of Self. This house represents the self and personality in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Aries, and its natural planetary ruler is Mars.
    House 10 The House of Status. This house represents reputation and career in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Capricorn, and its natural planetary ruler is Saturn.
    House 11 The House of Community. This house represents ambitions, aspirations, friendships, and associations in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Aquarius, and its natural planetary ruler is Uranus.
    House 12 The House of the Subconscious. In the astrological chart, this house represents the hidden self, the unknown, the unconscious. Its zodiac sign is Pisces, and its natural planetary ruler is Neptune.
    House 2 The House of Money/Possessions. This house represents self-worth, possessions, and money matters in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Taurus, and its natural planetary ruler is Venus.
    House 3 The House of Communication. In the astrological chart, this house represents communication. Its zodiac sign is Gemini, and its natural planetary ruler is Mercury.
    House 4 The House of Home. In the astrological chart, this house signifies home, family, and roots. Its zodiac sign is Cancer, and its natural planetary ruler is the Moon.
    House 5 The House of Enjoyment. This house signifies pleasure, romance, and creativity in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Leo, and its natural planetary ruler is the Sun.
    House 6 The House of Tasks. This house represents work, service, quality, and health in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Virgo, and its natural planetary ruler is Mercury.
    House 7 The House of Marriage. This house represents one-on-one relationships in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Libra, and its natural planetary ruler is Venus.
    House 8 The House of Transformation and Healing. In the astrological chart, this house signifies transformation and healing. Its zodiac sign is Scorpio, and its natural planetary ruler is Pluto.
    House 9 The House of Ideas. This house signifies spirituality, philosophy, dreams, and visions in the astrological chart. Its zodiac sign is Sagittarius, and its natural planetary ruler is Jupiter.
    Hypnosis A technique for putting one into a more open and suggestible state of concentration where the subject is more open to receiving messages and life-changing information.

  • Imum Coeli Also called IC (lower heavens) and Nadir, is one of four important angles in the birth chart. It signifies our roots. It also symbolizes foundations, the beginnings in life, inherited experiences, security and home and family life. It is the opposite of the Midheaven or MC.
    Incarnate (d) This is when a soul has chosen to be born into a life, usually on Earth, but can also include other planets and galaxies, as well as different places and times.
    Infinity Number Numerological Twin Flame number that symbolizes divinity and eternity. This is the number 8. When turned on its side, it is the infinity symbol with power energy.

  • Journeying A form of meditation where the vibration is raised with a specific purpose and intention.
    Jupiter This planet represents expansion and good fortune in the astrological chart.

  • Left Brain The side of the brain that is more methodical and analytical.
    Leo Sign of generosity, impulsiveness, magnetism, and forcefulness.
    Libra Sign of intuition, perceptiveness, impartiality, and harmony.
    Life Path Number In Numerology, this number is calculated by adding up the numbers of your birthdate until you reach a single digit. Its meaning goes beyond indicating personality, it also reveals who you are as a person, the things that matter most to you and often what challenges you will face.

  • Mars The planet that represents desire in the astrological chart.
    Master Builder Number Numerological Twin Flame number that indicates a building up of lessons for soul progression. This is the number 22. This is double the Master Twin Flame Number.
    Master Teacher Number Numerological Twin Flame number that indicates the teaching aspect of the Twin Flame Relationship. This is the number 33. Both Twins learn and teach what they have learned on their path of soul progression.
    Master Twin Flame Number Numerological Twin Flame number that is associated with the ideal of Twins. This is the number 11. Not only does one plus one equal two, but each digit represents a pillar of Twin Flames. These pillars are like book ends, and their energy stems from the Fibonacci Sequence.
    Masters These are a type of spirit guide with a higher understanding and a limitless capacity for teaching, understanding, thought, compassion, and assistance. Jesus is often considered to be a Master.
    Meditation This is when the physical body is purposely raising from the natural vibration to a higher vibration.
    Meditative State The state in which the etheric body is in a higher vibration than its natural one.
    Medium A person who can communicate with souls who have transitioned from life on Earth.
    Mercury The planet that represents communication style in the astrological chart.
    Metaphysics The study of the nature of human experiences that are intangible, nonphysical, or spiritual. These experiences cannot be detected or measured by our natural physical senses, re-search, or technology.
    Midheaven Also called the Medium Coeli (upper heavens) or MC, is one of four important angles in the birth chart. It indicates career, status, life goals, aspirations, and reputation. It is the opposite of the IC, or Imum Coeli.
    Mutable Quality that is versatile as part of the synastry of the astrological chart.

  • Neptune In the astrological chart, this planet represents spirituality and psychic ability.
    Numerology The study of numbers to determine their influence on one's life, health, and liveliness.
    Numerology Chart In Numerology, a chart that contains all the numeric definitions that describe an influence on one's life.

  • Oneness Number Numerological Twin Flame number that indicates both energetic and soul oneness between the Twins. This is the number 1.
    Opposition In astrology, this means two celestial bodies oppose one another.

  • Past Life Regression Using hypnosis or guided meditation, this methodology helps to retrieve soul memories of lives previously lived or experienced. This information usually comes from either the soul itself or the Akashic Records.
    Past Lives Existences through with the soul incarnates into physical form to learn lessons.
    Pisces Sign of sensitivity, mysticism, loyalty, gentility, and shyness.
    Pluto This planet represents transformation, renewal, and elimination in the astrological chart.
    Polarity In astrology, this describes the relationship between two opposite signs of the zodiac.

  • Quintile In astrology, this promotes creativity.

  • Race This refers to a person's genetics and physicality, such as skin color, eye col-or or bone structure.
    Raised Vibration A higher vibration than the natural one that the body maintains. This is attained by purposely raising the vibration or working in the higher vibrational realms, such as the Higher Side or the Other Side.
    Record Your individual soul's energy that exists within the Akashic Records.
    Reincarnation The concept that the eternal soul will return to physical form repeatedly to learn lessons found within its soul blueprint.
    Right Brain The side of the brain that is more artistic, intuitive, emotional, and free-spirited.
    Runner The Twin who cannot handle the intensity of any or all parts of the Twin Flame Relationship. This role can change between the Twins at any given time.

  • Sagittarius Sign of directness, outspokenness, honesty and truth-seeking.
    Saturn In the astrological chart, this planet represents ambition, caution, organization and facing your fears.
    Scorpio Sign of intensity, loyalty, emotional awareness, and a natural capacity for romantic relations.
    Semi Square In astrology, this indicates a mildly irritating relationship.
    Semisextile In astrology, this indicates a mildly supportive relationship.
    Separating Aspect In the astrological chart, this represents the orb of the aspect between two planets as it increases over time.
    Sesquiquadrate In astrology, this indicates success.
    Sextile In astrology, this signifies support.
    Soul The infinite, boundless, divine entity created by God.
    Soul Blueprint The design created by the soul through which we plan which lessons to learn and all the ways this learning is accomplished. It contains the life plan for your existence.
    Soul Evolution To educate the soul through experience and learning to evolve to the higher levels of consciousness.
    Souliverse The universe of like souls that surround you.
    Soulmate A like soul whose purpose is to help you progress with soul evolution and al-low you to assist them with their soul evolution.
    Spirit A discarnate soul who has transitioned from a life, usually on Earth, and exists on the Other Side.
    Spiritual DNA The divine energy and material make up that is the core of the creation of the soul.
    Square In astrology, this creates friction.
    Synastry The comparison of two birth charts to determine compatibility. This comparison generally looks at the position of planets and houses in the astrological chart. It can also include various polarities, qualities and elements that can help further define the Twin Flame Relationship.

  • Taurus Sign of building, determination, and willpower.
    Teachers Guides whose main purpose or method of assisting is to teach us lessons.
    Telepathy The act of communication between minds using only thoughts not words.
    The Higher Side The space in between Earth (lower vibration) and The Other Side. This can be called many different names, but this is where our Higher Selves roam free. When we raise our vibrations, such as in meditation, we raise them to this astral plane.
    The Moon Represents the emotions and emotional body, also symbolizes women in general.
    The Other Side Also called, "Summerland," "Heaven," and "Home," among other names, this is the destination of the soul when it exits its current incarnate lifetime, and where discarnate souls choose to remain.
    The Sun Represents the essential self. Also symbolizes men in general.
    The Veil Energetic and etheric curtain that separates the sentient (Earth) plane from the etheric plane, or the Other Side.
    Trine In astrology, this means bringing opportunities and assisting.
    Twin Flame Astrology The study of the astrological birth charts, their similarities, their differences, their Synastry, as one way to prove the Twin Flame Relationship.
    Twin Flame Cord The cord that contains the spiritual DNA that created the souls and divinely connects the Twin Flames.
    Twin Flame Life Path Number In Numerology, this number is calculated by adding up the individual life path numbers of each Twin down to a single digit. This number indicates the overall goal for the Twins in this lifetime.
    Twin Flame Numerology The study of numbers to determine compatibility and as one way to prove the Twin Flame Relationship.
    Twin Flame Polarity Indicates the balance between the divine feminine (yin) and the divine masculine (yang) in the Twin Flame Relationship.
    Twin Flame Stages Stages of growth, release, learning and coming together of both Twins in the Relationship. These stages are designed to bring the Twins both closer together and further on their path to soul evolution.
    Twin Flames The other half of your divine soul that shares the same spiritual DNA and soul blueprint with you.

  • Universal Number Numerological Twin Flame number that symbolizes connection to the uni-verse. This is the number 7.
    Uranus This planet signifies originality, independence, and inventiveness in the astrological chart.

  • Venus The planet that represents love in the astrological chart.
    Vibration The frequency at which your body naturally moves.
    Virgo Sign of practicality, dependability, and perfectionism.

  • Water The element that represents sensitivity, imagination, and emotions.

  • Yang Negative polarity in the synastry of the astrological chart. Also called the divine masculine polarity.
    Yin Positive polarity in the synastry of the astrological chart. Also called the divine feminine polarity.


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