Pythagoras, 11:11, and the Fibonacci Sequence

We already know that the number 11:11 is associated with twin flames. This repeated number is a numeric representation of two souls meeting. It is also based on the ones found in the Fibonacci sequence. These numbers are called the Pillar of the Twin Flames. When you consistently see 11:11 repeating, it is usually a sign that you have encountered the energy of your divine match.

The origin of this belief is rooted in the discoveries of Pythagoras. He based his revelations on musical theory, in which notes could be worked out in proportions that included 2:1 (octave), 3:2 (perfect fifth) and 4:3 (perfect fourth). This is relative to the golden rule and the Fibonacci sequence. The octave, fifth, and fourth form the base for musical scales and intervals.

Let’s briefly discuss a bit of musical theory. The vibration of perfect harmony is written as 1:1. (This shouldn’t be surprising when you think of twin flames as being in perfect harmony with one another.) An octave, 2:1, means that something is vibrating twice as much. For example, Pythagoras discovered that plucking a string that was half the size vof another will create a pitch that is exactly an octave higher. Also, plucking a string that is twice the size of another will sound an octave lower.

An octave is the collection of eight tones or vibrations. If you play through the C major scale (Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, Do), by the time you get to the high C you have completed one octave. If you split a string into thirds, then you raise the pitch an entire octave and a fifth. Split it into fourths and the pitch goes even higher. This forms the basis of the perfect fifth and perfect fourth, which can be mathematically calculated along with octaves using different formulas. In short, the working theory for Pythagoras was that everything, including music, could be better explained and defined through mathematical calculations.

Pythagoras also theorized that all parts of the universe, including planets, sounded out specific notes based on their distance to one another and the planets’ orbits. These notes could be translated not only into numerals but also mathematical calculations. He then applied this theory to explain that numbers had their own vibration and these numbers helped to create harmony and balance, or 1:1. His numeric table and definitions worked like this:

•   The number one represented oneness and the origin of everything.

•      The number two represented women.

•      The number three represented men.

•      The number four represented justice.

•      The number ten represented perfection because  1+2+3+4=10.

Pythagoras determined that everything began with the sacred number one. Then, as the vibrations continued, they would develop into what he called the “holy four,” which were the numbers one, two, three, and four. These first four digits add up to ten, which is the number of perfection.

You’ll recall during our brief discussion about the master number eleven that when a soul is divided into two equal halves, both halves contain divine masculine and divine feminine energy. Each energy is represented by the number one, which is how one half of the soul is mathematically represented by the number eleven. Pythagoras’ theory was that

everything begins with the number one, which represents oneness. There is validation for one of the digits that represent the soul. Validation for the other is this: Pythagoras believed that everything adds up to the number ten, which is the number of perfection. If we break that number down to a single digit, we get the other one that represents the soul. This theory proves that the soul is numerically represented by the number eleven. Since the numbers within this mathematical theory add up to eleven for only one soul, and both souls must be considered, this is where the other eleven comes into play. Two equal souls is represented by 11:11.

This mathematical representation of twin flames is also found in a similar way on the Fibonacci sequence. Here’s a reminder of the sequence: 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55. . .

It begins with zero, and then includes two ones. These ones are thought to represent twin flames because each number one is a soul. However, one soul is mathematically represented by the number eleven, not the number one. So, to use the sequence to mathematically represent and define twin flames, we must use it twice. It can be broken down this way: zero represents the complete soul and the two ones that follow represent the divine masculine and divine feminine that exists within the soul, which would also be eleven. If you did this calculation twice, you would end up with the 11:11, which is the true pillar of twin flames.

The energy in the Fibonacci sequence is closely tied to birth dates and birth names, similar to astrology. These calculations for the sequence are a precursor to working out specific parts of the numerology chart.

During your calculations, you will find that a lot of the results will be numbers that are on the Fibonacci sequence.  If only your numbers match the sequence and not your possible twin flame, then this is not proof of the twin flame relationship. Both twins must have calculations that result in numbers that match the sequence. This is because it signifies oneness and divine pattern, as well as sacred geometry—all of which are used, in one form or another, to illustrate and illuminate the twin flame relationship.


Five Myths (& Truths) About the Twin Flame Relationship


8 Ways to Recognize Your Twin Flame