Sixteen Years
So, if you’ve read my book FIND YOUR TWIN FLAME (or my previous blog posts) then you will know that my twin flame is on the Other Side. He passed away several years ago. You’ll also know that my nickname for him is Chico.
“He visited me often, sometimes several nights in a row. During one of these visits, he commented about how everything I owned had a nickname or a name, and he asked me what his nickname would be. The first thing that popped into my mind was ‘Chico.’ “I like it.” he replied . . .”
It is referenced a few times in the book, but the day that Chico and I first encountered one another was June 6, 2006. He busted into my consciousness and has been there ever since. That first morning, I was terrified. I didn’t know what to do about some stranger coming to visit me in my dreams.
“Though I have been a medium for my entire life, I’d grown accustomed to limiting my experiences with spirits to my dreams. The boundary lasted for nearly thirteen years. Admittedly, the boundary was a little flexible sometimes because I would still have experiences with spirits outside of my dream state. I would reinforce this boundary with concrete in my mind after every occurrence until what resulted was a dam nearly the size of Hoover Dam in my mind. It blocked out not only spirits but also most of my memories.
There is a difference in dreaming about someone and an actual dream visitation. The energy in a dream visitation feels so incredibly real that when you wake up, you’re usually surprised to discover that you were asleep. If you’re just dreaming about somebody, the energy is nowhere near as strong.
This soul got right in my face, looked into my eyes, and said, “Hello.””
Recently, I was at on out of state book signing, and I realized that we were very near Chico’s hometown. I thought it would be fabulous to capture the moment in a photoshoot. So we picked random places around town and my friend Kristi from Az Photography snapped away. A lot of the photos have been used on the new site redesign, and this makes me ecstatic! It is just one more way to bring our magic forward and share with the world. <3
I thought in honor of our Sixteenth Anniversary - which is also the anniversary of starting on this spiritual path - I would share some of these photos here.
Happy Anniversary, Chico, and thank you. Love always, me <3