Types of Twin Flames
Twin flames are created at the inception of the soul when the soul is separated into two equal and complete souls. These souls have the same spiritual DNA and the same soul blueprint. There are two types of twin flames: incarnate and discarnate. To incarnate or be incarnated means that a soul has chosen to be born into a life. Incarnate twin flames are souls that have been born into an existence at the same time. The word discarnate means that the soul is without a physical form. This means that one of the twins is on the Other Side. This can happen when one of the twins chooses not to incarnate and stay on the Other Side to assist their twin on Earth. It can also happen when one twin exits their physical existence and transitions to the Other Side.
There is a lot more focus on incarnate twin flames. This is because the desire to find and meet one’s twin is often overwhelming and powerful. No one really wants to think about the possibility of not meeting their twin flame in a physical existence, especially if you believe that the twin flame relationship is the ultimate love affair and all others pale in comparison. It is true that the bond between twin flames is incredibly deep and intimate, and it cannot be compared with any other relationship. This divine relationship is on a soul level with the exact match of your soul, which is why the twin flame relationship will be and feel different than any other you have previously experienced. This relationship turns everything on its head, allows it to implode into chaos, and then puts it back together from the soul outward. This evolution is the soul’s truest expression. However, the possibility of discarnate twins should not be ruled out just because they lack physicality. The connection between twin flames exists no matter what plane either twin is on. The close bond between twins is there regardless of whether one of them has a body.
Recall that the word incarnate means to physically exist. This occurs when both twin flames are housed in a physical body and experience life. Usually twins incarnate into lives on Earth because Earth is the “school” planet where souls come to learn many lessons over the course of several lifetimes. Having both souls incarnate on Earth doesn’t happen as often as one may think, despite the rise in the collective vibration. It is a rare privilege to meet and be in a lasting relationship with your twin flame on Earth. This is because the relationship is a journey with the purpose to educate and evolve the soul.
This is not to say that you cannot meet and be involved with your twin here on Earth. You absolutely can. Usually, when twins meet on Earth, it is because they’re both ready to move forward on the journey together. They have learned all they can without meeting their counterparts, and they need their twin to continue. Also, sometimes twin flames just plain want to be together no matter what. They are willing to work through the extreme highs and lows of the twin flame relationship together, which isn’t a bad thing. It’s usually out of chaos that the best lessons are learned.
The word discarnate means that the soul has no physical presence. In other words, the discarnate twin has no body. This is because they have either transitioned from their physical existence to the Other Side, or they remained on the Other Side to assist their twin flame on Earth. Often, the easiest way to achieve soul evolution is by having one twin incarnate on Earth and the other twin on the Other Side, looking at the soul blueprint to help guide their counterpart. Your souls are always in constant contact, even if your conscious mind has no clue who your twin is. We will cover this more in the metaphysics sections, but there are ways to communicate with your discarnate twin flame without necessarily being a medium.
I know of twins who communicate with each other through song titles. For example, I know of a pair of twins where one twin is here on Earth and the other has been on the Other Side for many years. The twin on Earth simply asks for specific song titles from his twin on the Other Side and inevitably his request is granted every single day. I also know twins who use forms of divination, such as pendulums and spirit boards, to communicate with their partner on the Other Side. Still, there are other twins I know who communicate with each other by utilizing a medium to assist them. You always have the option to directly communicate with your twin, you just need to see the possibilities. Twins on the Other Side only have one limitation when it comes to their twins on Earth. The conscious mind is very quick to shut out, block, or dismiss things it doesn’t truly comprehend or make it frightened in any way. So those on the Other Side can try and try to get through, but if their counterparts on Earth can’t or won’t listen, then that is a limitation that inhibits the twin flame relationship.